
Managed WordPress Hosting

Best WordPress Hosting For 2020

This year I'm going to be talking a lot about our WordPress hosting and how you can leverage it for your business.

I strongly believe WordPress is one of the most essential tools for all businesses to have a strong online presence.

Regardless the type of website you're wanting to create (or already run), the sky is pretty much the limit to what you can do.

Notable WordPress Websites

From the small independent bloggers making money with affiliate programs (such as Michelle Schroeder) to large organizations (such as CNN), no website is too large or small (full list of notable WordPress sites).

Reflecting back on my own career in business, I've used WordPress on almost all of my websites.  From an Internet Marketing blog and discussion forum, to two advertising agencies, and even mobile tracking software, I've found much comfort in using WordPress to build these sites from the ground up.

My brother, operates a large pro wrestling news website and recently started a MMA news website with it.  My father also powers his local self-storage business on WordPress.

Managed WordPress Hosting

2016 was the year we saw many companies start offering Managed WordPress hosting.

While some use it strictly for marketing purposes, some companies  have customized their platform to only host WordPress websites.

On the surface it all looks like a great idea.  Web hosting built for just WordPress websites... 

But what happens when you want to host some other files?  Time for another web host?

On average, we do around 20 migrations each week from these "Managed" platforms.  One of the top reasons they give us, is lack of flexibility.

We not only specialize in WordPress hosting at AppsGators, but overall website hosting, giving you total control over your website.

WordPress Performance

One of the main catalyst behind Managed WordPress hosting is the need for better performance over traditional shared web hosting.

Understand many of the "big name" web hosts out there still use Apache web server setups on traditional dedicated servers.  Therefore, once the server is loaded with websites, the server has to be taken offline to increase the RAM or CPU power.

At AppsGators, we build everything using LiteSpeed web server on our high speed cloud.  We can add RAM / CPUs with a couple of clicks and very little to no downtime.

WordPress Security

One of the biggest concerns for any website is security.  Nowadays, hackers target hundreds of thousands of websites daily, making not even the smallest site safe.

At AppsGators we're taking a big stance against this by offering free and automatic SSL certificates through the Let's Encrypt project.  This way, all websites on our network are equipped with encryption!

Malware is also another major concern as outdated WordPress installations, themes, and plugins can open up back doors that allow hackers to inject malicious code onto your website.  Each night, we automatically scan all accounts, and remove anything malicious.  This not only protects your website, but your visitor's, so they cannot have their personal information compromised while they browse your website.

What WordPress Hosting Is For Me?

To help you determine the best WordPress hosting for your website, here are some general guidelines to follow:

[tboot_table strip="yes" border="yes" condense="yes" hover="yes" cols="Daily Unique Visitors, Number Of Domains, Recommend Hosting" data="<5000, 1, Basic Starter, <5000, 2+, Basic Plus, <5000, 5+,Startup Reseller,5000-1000, 10+, Corporate Reseller, 10000+,1+,Hero 8GB SSD"][/tboot_table]Please note these are just estimates, you should read my blog post titled: How Many Visitors Can I Send To My WordPress Website?

Get Setup Now:

As always, feel free to reach out to our team via our 800 number, Live Chat, or Contact Form for a private consultation on your exact needs.  Regardless what type of website your have, we can host it, making it fly above our competitors!

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