
Free & Automatic SSL Certificates For Your Customers

Free & Automatic SSL Certificates For Your Customers

There seems to be some confusion about our free and automatic SSL certificates we offer with our Reseller Hosting accounts.

At AppsGators, SSL is free and automatic for every domain and subdomain created on our network. 

As soon as name servers are switched to our servers and DNS propagates, Let’s Encrypt will automatically issue SSL certificates for your domains/sub domains, no action on your end is necessary.

The same is true for all your Reseller Hosting customers.  Once they update their domain to your Reseller name servers, the SSL certificates will be processed.

Free SSL By Let’s Encrypt

You can verify the installation by logging into Web Host Manager -> Manage SSL Hosts:

Basically you want to look at the domain field of the above table and then the Issuer.  It should say Let’s Encrypt.  If it says “Self Signed” or if you brought over another SSL certificate from a migration, it will be listed here.

If you’d like Let’s Encrypt to replace one from another Issuer, simply click the delete link and Let’s Encrypt will automatically replace it the next time it runs.  The module also checks each night for expiring certificates to ensure they’re renewed prior to their expiration date automatically.

This is a huge selling point to your end-users

Your customers will love this feature as they don’t have to go buy a SSL certificate, dedicated IP, or other add-on to have their website secure.  It’s simply free and automatic.

This is a huge selling point that you should stress throughout your website and in your marketing.  Many of the larger hosting brands still don’t offer this standard, especially on Reseller accounts.

While SSL certificates used to be our biggest upsell, we feel by offering them for free allows us to greatly increase the reliability and security of our network.

Let us know if you have any questions getting setup!

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